One of the oldest oil refinaries in Kenya. It was founded back in 1968 by three brothers as a salt-packaging business before embarking on mini baking and later on established itself as a consumer good manufacturer.
Currently, it is one of the most known companies in Kenya.

However, the Kapa Oil Refineries was founded as Karania Packers by Mr Dhirajlal Devraj Karania, Mohanlal Devraj Karania and one of their other brothers.
Nonetheless, the company was changed from Karania Packers to Kapa Packers in the early 70s and started off as a salt packaging company before going into mini baking and later consumer goods. The famous Chapa Mandashi baking powder was their flagship product which went on to become a major success.

Introducing their own cooking oil
In 1974, the company went into oil packaging sourced from abroad and four years later they produced their own cooking oil under the brand name ‘Kapa.’ In 1986, Kapa launched one of its most famous products – Kasuku cooking fat which was packaged in plastic containers against the then norm of using aluminum tins.
It’s products
The Kapa Oil Refineries manufactures a wide range of products which are approved by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). However, in Cooking fat, the company products are under various brand names such as Kasuku, Seagull, Alpa, Rina and Tilly.
Also read Pwani Oil Manufacturer Shuts Temporarily
When it comes to edible oils, they have Captain Cook Corn Oil, Rinsun Sunflower Oil, Phapso Vegetable Oil, Olivia Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Postman Vegetable Oil.
However, in Margarine-they have Prestige margarine and Bredbest margarine while in bakery products you will find Chapa Mandashi and Special Bakers Compound.