Deal-Too Good?
The rise of male-female relationships in general has also made way for guys like us, whose friends are almost all women. Whenever I hang out with girls it’s more like they vent to me and talk about serious shit all the time. With guys it’s just hanging out and doing stupid shit. DANIEL NDIWA talks on the encouraging counterpoints.
Most people have that clique of one or two friends that they will always hang out with. They are either two or mostly three. Talking of the close ones. Not just an acquaintance.
Often, men will always have this crazy escapade talking about ladies, football and future. Hey, let’s not forget about those new model cars and how they have been advanced. So, this time, I did not know what Kush wanted to share with us. But in case of anything, we always met with Kush and Bena at some joint where they never disappoint us when it comes to their cocktail. They are cocktail genii.
Kush is that one friend who would never leave a lady pass without a hello. I don’t know how true this statement is but most people say if a man doesn’t like football and beer, he loves women. A man must like any of these three and perhaps all. But too much of it doesn’t end up well.
Am always the first to book the seats and sometimes I would meet Bena already there. Kush is fond of giving us lame excuses as to why he gets late. It’s always about his “mamaa” or few sneaky links. We had always cautioned him but he seems to enjoy all this.
Few minutes after we had ordered our drinks, Kush showed up. This time, with a small “kabambe” and not his ipad and iPhone 12 promax. He fancies fine gadgets. “Wapi machine boss!” Bena inquired about his phone. He laughed off and ordered some drinks.
“That’s why I called you two here guys.” Kush told us. Before the waitress got him some few drinks, we started off talking about the previous matches. Kush is an Arsenal diehard fan. We often avoid this conversation of late. You know they are currently leading the table and Kush will always get away with it. On the other hand, am hopeful that as a Liverpool fan, we will get at the top of the table. Bena is that Man United fan. We all know how man united fans are.

The previous night, Arsenal was playing against man United. Bena had a lady in his house. He couldn’t miss this game because of the lady. Furthermore, they had already spent some few nights together. Beth was the name of the lady. So Bena had to come with a trick to leave the lady behind and go watch the game. Bena was already tired of the lady and wanted her to go for good. Kush on the other side had a crush on the lady. They only met once. Bena called Kush and asked him if he could stay with Beth. Kush had to miss the game. Bena lied to Beth that he would come pick her at Kush’s place. Beth agreed. Bena was going for some few days. After a while, Beth decided to call Bena since it was getting late. It was now 12. They had a lot to drink. Bena had already told Kush about how bored she got with the lady. It was okay for him if he would have the lady as well. Men.
Kush is a weak guy when it comes to ladies. He had already shared his screen lock with the lady so she could choose her type of music from YouTube and Spotify. Seem the lady was having some other intentions. Kush was so innocent.
In the morning next day, the lady spiked some drugs on Kush drinks. When he woke up, he couldn’t find the lady, Beth and his phone and iPad. He was afraid of telling Bena. He never knew how his reaction would be.
That evening is when now he decided to open up to us about what happened. He had swore never to let that happen again. “Bro, am sorry, I did not know if that Beth could go to that extreme man!” We will find her soon bro.” Bena assured Kush.