Inside Lavish Laikipia’s Tassia Lodge With No Internet connections

One of the most well-liked luxury destinations in the nation is Tassia Lodge in Laikipia County. According to TIME magazine, it is among the top 24 best-kept secrets in the world.

The lodge, which is perched atop a rocky hill, provides a perspective of the vast Kenyan landscape. Due to the lack of phone or internet service, it is the ideal hideaway.

Tassia Lodge in Laikipia Central Highlands, Kenya - Journeys by Design

The best spot to disconnect and re-establish relationships with loved ones, close friends, and nature is Tassia Lodge.

However, the lodge has temporary emergency calls and emails to handle emergencies and critical information from the “outside” world.The 600-acre resort offers a range of rooms, including single and double ones, at different prices.

The cost of a single or double room for a non-resident is between Ksh96,000 (USD 700) and Ksh167,000 (USD 1,200) per night.

Additionally, it provides cottages for kids aged 5 to 12 starting at Ksh41,000 (US$300).

Night drives, birdwatching, guided walking safaris, cultural excursions, four-wheel drive safaris, and swimming are a few of the activities that are included.

On top of one of the old rocks is where the lodge offers a relaxing seating area. Maasai shukas and traditional objects are used to embellish it. Visitors may view the landscape and take in the stunning sunrises and sunsets thanks to the open space.

Visitors can enjoy the luxury of pure air up on the hill, a welcome break from the congested and drunken streets of the larger cities.

The Masaai manyatta served as the model for the rooms, which were modernised for longevity. They are mostly composed of rock, while the roof is made of a cement and earth mixture.

The accommodations, which are all ensuite, also have views of the surrounds and Mt. Kenya. The resort uses environmentally friendly furniture as a means of protecting the environment.

Additionally, there is no waste at the lodge; leftovers are used as chicken food or compost, and broken glasses are used as the foundation of buildings.


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