Housework Gender Gap?

So, what is keeping him from doing household chores? What’s keeping him from getting the dinner ready every night? When it comes to household chores, the division of labor is still gendered, with women shouldering most responsibilities. This means that while she has a partner who supports her decision to work, she still is left waging a lonely war on most of the unpaid chores when she gets home. But as DANIEL NDIWA explains women are pushing this too far

It was a match day between Manchester United and Arsenal. This is unarguably one of the most-watched games in the world. Tony and Marto decided to watch it in someplace where there were just few people so they could still continue with their chat as they have some beers. Tony is strategically positioned where he could see everyone getting in the well-structured liquor. It was running late but they decided to preserve a seat for Kevin.

They have always met at that joint, ‘Mpaka Che Booze place’. Tony realizes that Kevin has always been late and some other physical changes. So they just decided to ask him why because they have noticed that for a while. They don’t get into a conversation that first. They had come with a line of attack of just biting around the bush to get to that part of the conversation.

Kevin now sips his first Kenya Original Cider beer. He doesn’t utter any word. He just joins Tony and Marto’s conversation by just listening. ‘’hey man, you look stressed?’’ ‘’No, am good, just feeling worn out” Kevin replies.

‘’Is it Tina or what is it?” tunajua mambo yako.

Kevin gave them that fake laughter and said not really.

As the three guys continued chatting, some Peng-ting mamaa came close to Kevin and was inquiring about his friends. There was an instant silence at the table. Just a few seconds after the beautiful curvy lady left, Marto interjected and said, ‘’We know what you love Kevin. Si mamaa ako Kejani?’’ (your girlfriend is at home)

This was an eccentric time for Kevin to break the silence.

Kelvin narrates

Kevin started.

You see man, I supposed life would be better with having Tina around. I thought I could save a lot of money and maybe have a woman around. But things are totally different for now. She is the reason why am always late here. She has really changed a lot but I cannot just wake up and ask her to leave. I thought we would combine some effort to make our life better. I even miss the time she could only visit once in a while or just the Weekendi. Tina is always lounging around just in Netflix from series to series. If not this, napping all day.

I never knew I could get some courage to tell you some stuff. But you guys are my boyz.  Things are thick in that house. Of late am even the one always cooking. This relationship is turning out so toxic majamaa. You guys understand what they say about toxicity, if not sorted it either kills you or kills both. Me nimechoka fam. Did I even mention I have been doing literally all the chores?

Tony interjects, “but you are the man!’’

He continues

Kevin continues:

Tony, you don’t dig it, do you! Do you know the worst part of it? Today she broke some peculiar news to me. She is three months in the family way. Am not sure she will ever change. Or maybe I should give her some little time to change. I understand the whole vibe about ‘Ball inataka…” (Pregnancy cravings) but this is pushing my limits too far.  I could always recall the times Marto told me not to host her for it was too early for that. I thought you were just saying that to scare me. You see, I really wish I would have listened and let Tina be paying visit once in a while.

Tony and Marto stops Kevin. “Wadau lets cheers to the times ahead of this…” Marto proposed as they chugged the KO cider. Marto and Tony could now comfort Kevin promising him that they will always be there. They couldn’t bare losing yet their other friend to depression.

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